“The most amazingly happy person I was when I became the artistic director, director and founder of the Jewish Chamber Music Theater. The fact is that by doing so I fulfilled my human mission. And these are not just big words. I understood that people of my nationality at that moment, being in a tough anti-Semist situation, wanted to leave in the name of salvation the land on which they grew up. I myself did not grow up in a Jewish family. In my book, I clearly indicate that I am a genetic Jew, but in fact I am an ordinary Soviet boy who grew up on Gorky Street, who loves herring, beautiful Russian women and adores everything connected with the Slavic culture on which I was raised. Nothing connected me with Jewish culture until I was completely unexpectedly confronted with the fact that I was a “second-class man” and could not occupy the worthy place that I have the right to occupy. In this regard, I had a number of natural questions to which I wanted to get answers. As a theater director and artistic director, I learned that my mother speaks Yiddish. All the previous time it was kept secret from me. The most tragic thing for me was that when my mother died, I first learned that in fact her name was not Alexandra Arkadyevna, as it was written in her passport, but Sarah Aronovna. All these circumstances led to the fact that I had an urgent need to declare myself as a person - my kind of civic existence. It was at that moment that I founded this theater ... "

Black bridle of the white mare
The authors of this play are Ilya and Maxim Reznik. Stage director and composer - Yuri Sherling. Artists - Natalia Kanevskaya and Alexander Lisyansky. Actors are involved in the play: Nikolai Penkov as Rabbi Rebbe Naftali, Anastasia Mikishova as the main character Zelda, Olga Surkova plays Khanu, Yuri Vasiliev played one of the main characters - Benjomin, Evgeny Khazov - Gorbun. In addition to adult actors, children from the Domisolka children's theater group are involved in the production. The performance is staged in the genre of a musical parable. A parable is an instructive allegory. So in the play, the action takes place during the Hanukkah period in an area called Mirage. The inhabitants of this city are very poor, but they dream of a happy life and wealth. One Jewish family of Sholem Bera and his wife Khans live in Mirazhna. Their daughter is in love with a local idealist, whom some consider insane - Yosele. But Zelda is actually waiting for the Prince. In order to tempt and test local residents, Beniomin appears in the town, who brings gold and wealth with him. He must corrupt the locals with gold. And he succeeds in this in full measure. In addition, Benjomin liked the young and beautiful Zelda. Due to the pressure of loved ones, she becomes the wife of Benjomin, who is actually the type of Satan. It all ends with a struggle between Beniomin and Yosele, in which the righteous man wins. It should be noted that there are many dances in the performance that were staged by Valery Anuchin. They make the production more dynamic and successful. And practically everyone dances: from the classics to the break. The performance is also filled with illustrations from Jewish life and information about Judaism, celebrations and beliefs of Jews.